Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A very little progress

I finished two leaves and began the flower--slow progress made. I compare what I'm doing to the sample designs and I'm want to do each item over again. I am learning a lot, however, and using it as I progress, which is the point. (I'm feeling like I'm showing the same wrinkly cloth over and over but I do add things each time. really.)These are the cool beads I found at Beads Amore in Indianapolis the previous weekend. I'm not sure what I plan for them. I think they would make nice jewelry, with fine chain or perhaps pearls, but they would also work stitched to an embroidery, such as a crazy quilt. My immediate thought upon finding them was bracelet--they seem sturdy enough. More stash.On Saturday I got two cool packages from Lelia. The first was this great Halloween card with some lovely designs--a thread winder and some cool spooky images that will make great bookmarks.The second package included this head, which was a prize she won. She very sweetly shared the bounty with me. It's pretty cool and I'm thinking about all sorts of things she could be.

I'm still working away slowly on longer term projects right now. Knitting a holiday gift that I can't show. Working slowly on my long and short stitch sampler and also on my embroidered pears. The latter doesn't photograph well, being tone on tone so far (I've been stitching green stems). It's been sunny for the last few days and I've found my mood has improved some. After this weekend some of the pressure will let up a bit--my weekends aren't as heavily booked. I'm running a huge event for work the first weekend in December and things are going to be insane until it's over (and I collapse).

1 comment:

  1. kewl beads! Youll find something to use them with : ) Glad you received the goodies
