Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Holidays!

It's that time of the year!

This photo shows my Dad's cousin on his visit to Santa--live pony and all. I'm not quite convinced by that Santa. Some time in the 1920s or very early 1930s.

Yesterday we had the Christmas girls' day out--this is becoming the best habit! We visited Geneva, IL, and got spices at the Spice House, wandered in and out of the shops, remembered mom at Little Traveler (she loved that place), noshed at Nosh. We walked quickly past the aromatic popcorn shop (oh, the caramel corn!), past Graham's Chocolates, past the cupcake shop. We ran errands, bought presents and necessities, and talked incessantly. At the end of the day, my sister-in-law treated us all to a small glass of eggnog. We sat in my sister's kitchen, sipping, eating very good cookies (white chocolate, cranberry, oatmeal), and reveling in the company. A very good day.

It was a dull, grey day and I brought the camera but didn't take any pictures.

As is often the way with holiday shopping, I got myself a present. Embroidered Flora and Fauna by Lesley Turpin-Delport and Nikki Delport-Wepener. Here's a review. I've been looking at it for a while now, ever since Paula (formerly of The Beauty of Life, a lovely blog that is now gone) brought it to my attention. A coupon and me and a copy of the book all came together at the right time, so I got it for half-price!

It's one of those books that already has me visualizing things differently. It's not a how-to-copy this-design-exactly book. It's more--here's how we used these materials to express this. I'm not saying it well. The review above is probably clearer. Anyway, good book. I'm smilin'.

I still have a lot to do to get ready for the holidays. I've decided on several presents to make and I need to get them done. And I'd like to do a bit of baking. We'll see. Presents first. Have a great weekend.


  1. Happy Holidays to you as well. Love when you tell about your little excursions. Sounds like fun.

  2. Your trip to Geneva sounds wonderful, but surely you didn't skip Designer's Desk or the knit shop?

    I have a couple of Lesley Turpin-Delport's books, but this one appears to be a bit more exploratory and adventurous than her previous books. Have fun delving into it--but not until Christmas!

  3. Aha! I can't wait to see what you think of this book! And what you do with it! It's really an amazing exploration of what you can do with dimensional embroidery. And some of it looks sooooo real....

    Have a happy Christmas! And enjoy the book!!

  4. Im glad you like the book - Ive always found it inspiring.

    Merry Christmas! (it's all over for us - today is boxing day and Matt starts work tonight until after New Years eve)
    Paula xx
