Friday, January 8, 2010

The distraction

Last weekend I started in with the cleaning out of my endless stash. I cleared a shelf and sorted--the "I'm likely to do this one day" items went back. The "I'll never do this items" have been given away or put into a bag for future blog giveaways. And then there was this large bag with a mass of lilac Hardanger fabric.

In 2000 the Homewood Embroiderer's Guild had a weekend class to make a Hardanger Vest. I know of one person who completed hers. Not me. I haven't touched it for eight years or more. I realized I would never, ever make the vest and probably wouldn't wear it much if I did.

So the center back, with the motif nearly complete, is on it's way to be a runner, photo above. I snipped out a small section of stitch samples to use for something, sometime. A fragment. The rest of the fabric, threads, pattern, etc. has been given to a friend.

I plan to complete the runner this weekend. Big load off...this project kept whispering to me.

As I'm doing it, I took some pictures for a minitutorial on hemstitching. I love hemstitching and find it very meditative and peaceful. I also think it's a very handy thing to know. soon.So, I've been doing Hardanger instead of my crewel scissors case. Here's the start of the scissors case. I've also been spending time reading through some of my books. This began when I wanted to look up hemstitching before beginning the Hardanger project. I can't tell you how many books I have that I thought would show hemstitching and don't, and how many more I have that do show it. But then I just got into browsing the books....bliss!

We've had loads of snow this week and I'm hoping for a quiet, stay in and stitch weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have a lovely weekend with lots of stitching Marjorie! Jenny
