Friday, January 15, 2010

Hem Stitching Part 2

Here are a couple of the books I used to remind me of the stitch. This first is French. The actual stitch is made from the back of the fabric.And this one is Polish. Here is the finished piece from the back. I made the stitches on the front very exact (straight down two threads) but I was less concerned about the back and these stitches come out mostly two stitches down but sometimes three and sometimes over one or two to the side. When you are stitching a hem, you have to watch both sides.


  1. Les Jours Brodes looks like an absolutely wonderful book. I am very envious. I see it is available through one of Amazon's dealers, but I just made another purchase. That means this one has to go on the back burner for a while. Darn!

  2. I keep coming back just to look at that beautiful cover on Les Jours Brodes. There are patterns there that I have never seen anywhere else. I can't get over how gorgeous it is!

  3. wonderful hemstitching! I use the EGA correspondence course materials -- you have two wonderful books on hand!!!

  4. Les Jours Brodes is a wonderful resource. It's very serious inside--pages and pages of gorgeous and elaborate hemstitches. I adore the sampler on the cover and am amazed at how distortion free it is with the very fine fabric and the complex embroidery. Something to aspire to! I'm sure I got it at an EGA or GLR seminar.

  5. OMG! I had to buy Les Jours Brodes! Those hems on the cover are amazing. Not to worry, terryb, I didn't snag the one at Amazon. Well, sorta, I got one from Amazon in UK.
