Thursday, February 4, 2010


Over on Attic 24 I found this stripy Lucy Bag project. I thought it would be a great use for my stash of single skeins. Mine is coming out bigger than the original but that's okay. My colors aren't as bright as the original, but I like the color scheme and think the yellows and peaches add a touch of sunlight. I switched from double crochet to single early on Single will make a sturdier bag.It takes a while to do a row around but I'm trying to do a couple of rows a night. My original intent that this be a carry around project went out the window when it got so big--plus so many colors make the project bag fairly large! It takes long enough to complete a row that I have grabbed it along with a skein of yarn and taken it with me a couple of times. I'm finding the crochet aggravates my thumb soreness issues so limiting how much I do at one time is good.

I'm using wool fibers so I plan to throw it in the washer with hot water and the drier to full it a bit. The different gauges of the yarns are making it interesting. I'm not trying to compensate at all.

The aluminum crochet hook is a vintage one I've had since my teens (probably "borrowed" it from mom and never gave it back). It's been my favorite since then.

Attic 24 also has a post on how to make those cool double flowers. It's a welcome bright website in these dank winter days--lots of color, great inspiration and clear tutorials.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful bag! I can't wait to see this one finished up. Those colors are so gorgeous - makes me long for summer!
