Friday, February 19, 2010

Lake Michigan in Winter

Brrrr, it was chilly looking out over Lake Michigan on Valentine's Day. We did not venture down to the beach as these brave souls did. The wind was from the west, along the shore, and it looked a bit like a wind tunnel down there.
Another view of the lake. The ice here is dangerous, although when I was young I regularly wandered out on it. It's often floating on water and you never know when you'll find a thin pocket.
I was fascinated by the pearly sheen on the snow. The temperature and light were just right.
Birds were active here. The sheen was much more visible in person--but only from one direction. If you looked back, it was gone.
Jude Hill of Spirit Cloth often talks about edges and I found myself contemplating the edges made by the snow and ice.
It was very good to get outside for a bit.

We also visited Lubeznik Center for the Arts for their new shows, The New Moderns and Seeing the Light. I hadn't been excited about them, but I was very happy we went. I learned a lot, saw a lot and left enlightened.

1 comment:

  1. hey, thanks for the mention... snow and ice are so inspiring. i always end up taking millions of pictures
