Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lovely gifts

Last week I got a surprise gift from a friend. I am thrilled. This is a Tenerife Lace circle on a hankie. Just lovely! And in my favorite blue.These two pieces are coordinating pillow covers. The fabric is a very soft rayon (I think) and the threads are fading away in places which lends them a very poignant and fragile look. I just love them and have been trying to think about what I want to do with them.One thought I have is that I could open them out, the backs are the same fabric but plain, and piece them into a four-patch square, moving the lace to the outside corners. It would need a lightweight backing. I can see Jude Hill's influence in that thought. I am wanting to make slow cloth from this, exploring and seeing where it goes. Karen's peek-a-boo style also appeals, these bright colors and the white fit what she was doing a short while ago. And I love French knots. Maybe with a sheer over top. I love it when the ideas begin to spark!


  1. that is the point where thoughts get caught. a nice place.

  2. Oh my those are simply beautiful.

