Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What's been going on...

I didn't do much stitching last week. I've been doing more reading and crochet in the evenings. My large tote is coming along. I think the sides are getting about halfway. (that wide dark green band is the edge of the bottom) I did stitch a couple of things this weekend. I made an embroidered picture of myself for my photo here and on Facebook. I didn't like the front side too much--it looks like me but it doesn't--- and I can see where I got the shape of my glasses right on one side and not on the other and I have too much teeth... But I do like the backside so I'm going to use that until I redo it, if I decide to.

I also did part two of the turkey Valentine towels. Now Ms Turkey has the flowers and has given Mr Turkey a peck on the cheek.
More on my reading in my next post. I've been having fun with my stacks of books.

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