Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Giveaway Winner! Next giveaway

I went to last night and let them pick from the two comments on the last giveaway of goodies from the Nordic Needle. They picked #1 so Karol gets the prize. Thanks for entering.
(Alena: please send me your address, too--I'll find a consolation prize for you.)

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, the new giveaway will be this Celtic Knot. It's from a Welsh company, not Irish, but the spirit is right. (I actually bought it in Wales!) If you are a fan of Celtic design and like counted cross stitch, you may enjoy this project.Please make a comment to this post before the end of March if you want to be included in the draw ( for this kit. I will send it anywhere in the world. I will draw the winner on Thursday, April 1st.

I do ask that you include some way for me to contact you directly. If your blog profile includes your e-mail address, direct me there--that'll work. If not, please e-mail me directly or include a spelled out or otherwise uncopyable address in your comment and I'll use that. I cannot go looking for you and if I can't reach you easily, I'm going to have to skip you and I really, really hate doing that.


  1. Please enter me in the drawing. I don't think I've ever been the first to enter before now. lol I love the celtic knot design!!! Thank you for offering it. My email is on my profile.

  2. Please enter me in the drawing. My email should be in my profile, but another way to reach me would also be tara r s at comcast dot net

  3. Hi, came across ur blog while googling, and have been thru all of your posts.. Do include me in ur giveaway, my id is shamla85 at yahoo dot com
