Monday, March 15, 2010

signs of spring

I didn't do much stitching at all last week, so I took my camera with me on my walk on Sunday so I'd have some pictures. I have done a bit, here and there--a little on my cross, a little on my crochet bag, but not enough to look much different from the last photos.As the snow retreats loads of things are uncovered. Some are lovely, some unsavory (lots of hidden trash, but also hidden treasure). The brilliant pink here is rhubarb coming up in our back yard. (I wonder what kind of a dye rhubarb would make? It's a great color!) Below are some irises, tulips and daffodils.The bark below was, of course, vertical on the tree, but as I uploaded the photo, I realized that if I turned it, it made a great landscape. (Can you see it, too? Of course, it could just be the time change (I HATE daylight savings time) or the new moon...) What intrigued me about the tree was that one half was plain and the other half very mossy and there was a clear demarcation between the two.It's been rainy and damp lately and this bit of bark is abloom with mosses. It's just amazing!In addition to taking pix on Sunday, I also brought something home with me. The melting snows revealed a neighbor's lawn to be covered with shreds of blue fabric. I'm assuming a run in with a lawn mower. Some even migrated across the street. I left a lot for the birds.

They've wintered interestingly--the centers of the fabric have darkened but the frayed edges are pale (which does not show in this picture). Some bits have soaked in mud. I gave them a bit of a rinse and laid them out to dry. They make me think very much of Jude at Spirit Cloth. Blue fragments.


  1. I hate daylight savings time too. But I LOVE these beautiful signs of spring you've shown us!

  2. Now I love daylight savings time. I love the light at the end of the day. I do miss that hour of sleep but I'll try the extra daylight for it.

    I love your photos. Especially the moss on the tree one.
