Friday, April 9, 2010

Girlz Day

My sister, sis-in-law and I had another Girlz Day yesterday. The weather was nasty so our river walk was canceled in favor of making things.My sister had finished this runner (I love her fabric selection), worked on a dress and began sewing the binding on a wall hanging. She also sorted her fabrics for a new wall hanging.We had fun sorting through N's UFOs. It looks like one will become a diaper bag, one a vest, some random granny squares have been delegated to a long scarf and a pillow top. After all that speculation she worked at changing a round neck sweater into a v-neck. She finished it before we left. She's holding the neck apart so it looks bigger than it is--it's a perfect brother size (my brother-her husband).I enlisted the others as guinea pigs to help me test a project I plan to teach next fall. I pulled it together the night before and only brought one color of paint. I got the home-made silk screen painted and dried in time and we silkscreened needle books. They came out pretty nice. My sister took them to her sewing machine and added the felt inner pages and they popped their needles in for safe keeping.Here are some extra unfinished samples. We rather liked the look of the shadowy second pull (running the squeegee over the screen without adding ink). I did learn that nice paint clogs the screen--cheap paint is the way to go!
We took a break midday and headed to Town House Books in St. Charles, IL, to browse the book store and have a yummy lunch in the cafe. My sister made peanut butter cookies with Hershey's kisses on top for a treat. (We helped, we unwrapped the kisses.) It was a welcome break.


  1. Sounds like you had a great day. Thanks for the tip about cheap paint for silkscreening - when I get to that part of my Amarna project that will be useful to know!

  2. You always have a great deal of fun no matter what you do!

  3. I love the patchwork in your top photo. We went to the V&A quilt exhibition the other day - I think you would LOVE it!

  4. Thanks, Kath: My sister is developing a wonderful color sense--and a lot of new skills with her quilting.

    Jenny sent me a bunch of photos from the quilt show--I'd heard about it and was happy you got to go and see it. It looks like it was an amazing show.
