Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mrs Bailey's legacy

While I know it's not likely that bulbs planted over 150 years ago would still be blooming, but I always think of these as Mrs Bailey's flowers. The Bailey homestead at the Indiana Dunes was the first white settlement. The formal house was built in the 1830s. Someone, sometime, ages ago, told me that the flowers around the homestead had been planted by Mrs. Bailey and I've stuck with that notion. I like the idea of that type of legacy.They've moved around over the thirty-some years we've been going to Bailey in the spring. Some years they are more prolific than others. This year they have been particularly nice. This year featured Narcissus and Grape Hyacinth. I could see where some lilies might be coming up. And roses along the path to the homestead (I believe another farm was there in the past, long gone).So each year we go in spring to visit Mrs Bailey's flowers. And each year they put on a lovely show for us. They're up the path a bit from the wildflowers, except for the Spring Beauties, they're everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. How pretty. This is definitely my favourite time of year
