Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Quilt Show

Oh, We had FUN!
I'm not much for crowds, but once I year I really relish being among like minded people. This crowd at Bohin (wonderful needles) is typical of Friday's crowds. (I can't imagine the crowds on Saturday!) We've learned to head for the far corners first and then work our way back. The quilt displays are often much quieter in the afternoon.There were many amazing, inspiring, awesome quilts on display. Some you could photograph, some not. I shot this one to remember the concept--the seahorse is made up from paisley motifs cut from fabric. I love this use of them. The quilt was prettier in person--my photo doesn't flatter it--more pastel and sparkly.
The word this year was sparkle. Many of the quilts sported little bits of crystal and other sparkly elements. I missed the journal quilts from the journal quilt project of past years. There were no garments, no dolls, no three-dimensional objects. There was a wonderful display of antique quilts in lovely condition, some really interesting quilts featuring rust-dyed fabric, and some quilts that really made me think.In the morning I took at class at Make-It University. Kelli Perkins taught cool cartoon fabric paper collage pins. I got to try Tsukineko inks and they are awesome.Here's Kelli getting us going. Below is my final pin. It goes with the overall sparkly theme of this show and will be fun to wear.Of course we shopped. I'll show my haul in the next post.

I'll miss the show now that it's leaving Chicago. It was a perfect day out with my sister and friends. We had our traditional wonderful lunch at Gibson's and walked 'till our feet ached. It doesn't get any better than that!


  1. awesome post!!! I have a few posts coming up as I get tired after a photo or two : )

    I took the needlecase workshop
    & enjoyed it very much -- will post soon on my blogs

  2. I quite agree - a couple of times a year is fun, more than that and the crowding becomes impressive. Embroiderers may not be hermits, but we do like our space!
