Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I finally having something to show from my slow stitching. I've completed a lot of leaves on the Camellia. All the leaves and stems in the lower right are done. Along the way I removed one of the upper leaves--it just wasn't done well at all. All of these leaves are a tough slog--they're all variations of or nue. I'm saving the last pink camellia for a treat.I also worked on my crewel needlebook. After taking this photo, I pulled out the lines of green French knots and started over, thinking to make better and more even knots. Ha! They're better but still not even nor the same size. I've been working along and have the French Knots in the lightest shade of green done and am ready to begin the middle green.This is a project I've picked up again. It's a piece of silk paper I made a while back and tacked to Thai silk. I'm making a pine woods to the right and there will be a meadow on the left. I have a green man in the woods and found a puffy wind/cloud face in the sky, but didn't like the swirls I stitched coming from his mouth so I've removed them to rethink. This is just play and experimentation and I'm having fun with it. I'm primarily using Needle Necessities overdyed floss. I think perhaps it needs another tree on the right.


  1. the first one I love and the last one is something special!

  2. Good to see you are taking the time to play as well as to work on the other things! Play is very important!
