Saturday, May 29, 2010

around the garden

A couple of weeks ago we visited friends with young children. As we got into our car we noticed a gift--a daisy had been placed on our seat by K. It was hot and the flower wilted quickly so I popped it into my water bottle. It's lived there ever since--doing well and reminding us of the thoughtfulness of a young boy.The garden this year is going strong. The irises in particular. We've never had so many. That's my shadow--I didn't realized it was there.The peonies are also booming and blooming.
A friend here at work gave me a book last week. It was by a Canadian woman and was called "Tottering in My Garden: A Gardener's Memoir" by Midge Ellis Keeble. It was the tale of the gardens she made at her homes as they moved around the Toronto area and included tips for novice gardeners. I'm not a gardener, hubby does most of that, but I do enjoy reading. I was so tired this weekend that I just sat and read this book on Friday night and Saturday and didn't do much else (except nap and a shove piles of laundry into the machine so I'd have clean undies!) I've packed it up for a friend who just bought her own first house--I think she will enjoy it, too. While I was reading, I did note down the author's suggestions for peonies. I'd love them to bloom like this next year, too.Since I took these last Sunday the week's been quite hot. All of the roses that were barely buds last week are blooming and have bloomed and are fading already. The irises and peonies have enough successive blooms that they're still going along.
Here's another portrait of our daisy. I think this one is perfect for a needlework design.


  1. So will you do an embroidery based on the photo? We'd love to see it!

  2. I loved the beautiful embroidery you did of my mother's garden. I could look at flowers for hours.
