Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Conference pix

Since it was so much of my life the last few months, here are a couple of photos from the banquet at the end of last week's conference. Above is the decimated table after dinner. We went to Phoenix Restaurant in Chicago's Chinatown. (I can't link to it tonight, not sure what's up.) Wine figured prominently--there were many, many toasts!
Here's the group from my table: Ning, Ruoying, me, Cheryl, Joe and Zhimin. Lee didn't make it into the picture, nor did Cat, Bill or Hannah (who was taking the photo). Look at those smiles! I had an 80 hour week and mine was probably among the shortest. I'm missing everyone this week.This is Hannah, Bill and Cat from the beginning of the evening. It was a great treat to have them join us--they were only in town for a few days. We had a great visit.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see the pictures of Hannah and Bill. I think that when you work together with other people long hours on something it is lots of fun and always something to remember. Hope going back to regular work isn't too much of an anti climax!
