Saturday, July 3, 2010

not really stitching

Work is nuts at the moment and taking all of my energy. What's left over is used up getting ready for classes--I teach the crewel chatelaine at the top of this page Tuesday, July 6 and I just submitted a flier and models (thanks to Jamee) for this fall's outreach classes at the YMCA. On the road trip last weekend, I began a second crochet tote. This one also uses leftover yarns. The bottom's done and I'm starting up the sides. It's for a friend.

Even my morning walks are getting to be more erratic. Most mornings I spread almond butter on toast and toss it in the car as I walk really fast and then jump in the car and head off to work (I wait 'till I get to work and am at my desk to eat). I'm trying to get in by 8 a.m. these days. If I need to be here much earlier, I tend to skip the walk, sad to say (although I often make up for it later in the day, having to walk across campus for something or other). I am soooo not a morning person!
A couple of weekends ago I managed couple of hours with this piece. I did the top pine needle spray. The plum blossoms have me a bit skittish. Several years ago I had major problems with them. (throw the piece away, there is no hope for this problems). I did make it to First Thursday--our monthly Japanese Embroidery stitch-in at the Hyde Park Art Center (come by and visit, we'd love to see you). It saved my sanity this week. I've been working on the clover leaves, which by now are somewhat bomb proof (which is good because we had a really enthusiastic children's yoga class in the room adjacent to ours this week). I've decided to remove the blue flower. I just don't like the way it's stitched and will be happier redoing it. My research assistant said I always look so calm and happy after these classes.


  1. Stitching is a wonderfully calming occupation, isn't it!

  2. The blue flower looks beautiful from what I can see, but of course I can't see the detail. It's fascinating to see the way this piece is coming on.
