Monday, August 30, 2010

Pocket Tutorial Part 2

Here's where we left off yesterday, sewing the pocket to the lining.Next, pull the pocket lining right side out by pulling the pocket out of it through the opening you left in the bottom of the lining.Here's the pocket all the way out. Press the seam joining the pocket and lining and check for any pleats or problems with the seam. Poke out the corners of the lining--that's why I turned the corners of the lining bottom, way back at the beginning. Press. (When I say Press I mean press with a hot iron, generally with a spritz of water first, finger pressing won't give the same results. The key to nice finishing (or any sewing) is to press often and well at each step.) You can fold in the raw edges of the lining now and hand stitch the opening closed.Last, poke the lining inside the pocket. Press the top edge of the pocket so the lining stays inside. You can top stitch it if you wish.Here's the finished pocket.

1 comment:

  1. It looks great! Thanks again for sharing this technique - I can imagine a good many uses for it!
