Sunday, September 26, 2010


I am, that is, with amazing, wonderful friends. I ended the day on Monday, Sept. 20 feeling very overwhelmed and grateful. This is a real, handpainted Spanish fan, brought back from Spain for me by a friend who visited her grandmother there this summer. Of course, I see embroidery designs in the delicate painting and filigree. But, wait, there's more!
The same friend also found these lovely placemats and napkins and brought them back for me. The color and style of embroidery are traditional. And they are blue! But, wait, there's more!These sweet hanky's are hand embroidered. The stitching's very nicely done and delicate. Also from Spain. I was so blown away I forgot I'd brought my camera to take her photo on the first day of school (she's a new student here).Artesania Reyes is where she bought the items. Happily she left me the bag so I'd remember. It's so nice when good things happen at work--just makes the day shine.

On my way home, I met my friend AveryClaire for dinner. We sat and talked nonstop for over two hours without coming up for air! It's so great to visit with friends. Each time I do it I tell myself I have to do this more often...She surprised me with a birthday gift, lovingly hand made in my favorite blue. With my initial and delicate ribbon and beaded trim. Wow! It's weighted with sand (so it'll stay put!). It was wrapped in the pearly paper beneath it above and tied with the shiny sheer ribbon and two lovely little roses fresh from her garden. It was so pretty! The roses are in our kitchen and each time I walk in I can smell them. They didn't wilt from all the hot air around them as we had our long chat--I never thought to put them into water at the restaurant.Here's a close up of the pincushion. This week and next are very busy and it was a nice interlude to be so very pampered for a day before crunch time. Yesterday my conference at work ended--so far only a couple more are scheduled. Next week is Japanese Embroidery class/work. Then the following weekend is the Great Lakes Regional meeting here and also my EGA chapter show.

1 comment:

  1. What lovely gifts. I love the fan, have one brought to me by a friend as well and use it all the time.
