Friday, October 29, 2010

Fall days

When we were at Cantigny two weeks ago the rose gardens were in full bloom. It was amazing.I won't be taking walks like that for a while. The final diagnosis of my hip is a hairline fracture in the top of the femur (trochanter for those in the know). I'll be using these guys for the next six weeks.So, I'm going to stitch and read and browse in my pictures. More from Cantigny--their gardens were wonderful.

At Cantigny they nurtured their mums so they formed perfect mounds.We really liked this golden plant--I think it would be great in a garden.

It is definitely fall here now. We had two days of wild winds and many of the trees are bare now. (Our dead elm lost all of it's bark and now it's shivering naked in the chilly air!


  1. The mums and the gold plant are beautiful.

    I send you best wishes and a quick recuperation from your fracture. That's one way to slow things down, I guess. Happy stitching and reading, too.

    We had lots of wind too, but no damage, just a few branches in the yard. The leaves are done in our yard; we're hoping to get them cleaned up in the next few days.

    But it won't be tomorrow for me. I'm going with my chapter mates to the Green Bay needleart show. We went to the Madison area show last week with a stop at the Frugal Muse. Between the show and the shop, I added four books to my library. Maybe more tomorrow.

  2. Beautiful photos and I am sorry to hear you will be on crutches for a while. I do hope you recover quickly and I know you will be enjoying the needlework and book time.
    Take care.
    Gentle hugs,

  3. What gorgeous flowers! I don't think I've ever seen that yellow plant, did you find out what it was?
    Let me know if I can do anything for you!
