Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Japanese Embroidery

Our teacher took this photo of our class, ready to stitch. I think this was the last day of class last week. We met in the lovely apartment belonging to the mom of one of our class--mom was on vacation.Here's where I was last July, the last chance I'd had to work on this.I had the piece rotated differently on my stand this time so it's hard to compare. This was taken on Thursday morning, before stitching. I did the second Valerian, finished the pink, stitched some leaves and stems.And this was taken Thursday at the end of class. I took out the partially done gold overlay on the brown paper holding the flowers (it drove me nuts, it was so "off") and I also removed the first three petals of the orange carnation. I then completely stitched the orange carnation. Getting that done opens up whole new areas where I can now stitch. (Japanese embroidery is stitched foreground first, then background.) I have a lot I can do now and, sometimes, the confidence that I can. I just need to settle down and do it.

All of these photos were taken of the same piece in natural lighting. It's amazing to me how the lighting varies. The bottom one is truest to color, I think.

I'm thinking about Phase II.


  1. Lighting is the biggest headache in blogging about embroidery isn't it!

  2. Phase I - looks lovely! Keep up the beautiful work. Can't wait to see your work as your JE journey continues.
