Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Girls' Day Out

I'm a bit behind in posting. I hope you all are enjoying the season. Hubby's recuperating well from his hernia surgery and we had a very peaceful holiday at home. The family event is planned for a couple of weeks from now, when everyone's work schedule should mesh.

A week before Christmas we had a fun Girls' Day Out. We did a bit of shopping and had a lovely lunch at Seasons 52. Interesting and fresh food with care taken to make it healthy, too.

The waiter kindly took our photo for us, so we're all in it this time. I spent one evening watching Bing in "The Bells of Saint Mary's" and glittered these pressed paper pine cones (Martha Stewart via Michael's from a post-holiday sale several years ago). Glitter is still everywhere, in spite of my best efforts. It's so much fun to play with glitter!

They open. I'm not sure what will be tucked inside. Ideas?I spent my extra time off stitching and knitting away, but I can't show any of it yet.

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