Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

Sorry for being slow to post--I feel like a snail these days. After a couple of months off from my usual activities, both hubby and I now have clean bills of health and I'm ramping back up to speed, slowly.

One of the people I work with turned 100 last week. Also last week, at his request, ordered a year's subscription to The Economist for him. Now that's optimism! He participated in a conference via Skype on his birthday (it was in his honor) and is organizing a new foundation, planning the publication and translation of several books of his compiled papers, and is very excited about a new academic journal he's planning. I can't keep up!

It makes me feel very good to see and be part of it all. (and also makes me feel a total wuss!)

We had a quiet contemplative holiday season. I got back to regular morning walks, helped by the warm weather that left the sidewalks snow free (for now). I really missed the walks. I hope by next week to be back to all my usual activities.

Before I run off to my first EGA chapter meeting of the year, I thought I'd share with you my newest project (at the top of the page). Tricia Wilson Nguyen of Thistle Threads has a new "Needlework Nibble" design on her website and, in her usual very generous fashion, has teamed it with a fundraiser for the Fashion Museum in Bath, England. I visited there a dozen or so years ago and loved it. You can read all about the project, and view tons of gorgeous pictures of the elaborate gloves, on her blog.

The design is a snail done in silks and metallics. The original was on a glove and the fundraiser is to help the museum house all of their glove collection in proper storage containers.Here's my kit, that arrived really quickly in the mail. I am happy to see how complete it is. Lots of interesting new threads to play with!


  1. Looking forward to seeing you stitch this one - I've been eyeing it up on the blogs too, but just know I'd never stitch it myself ... will just enjoy it through your posts instead :)

  2. I'm going to be doing it too! Looking forward to it!
