Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Late Christmas

On Sunday our schedules all finally meshed and we met at my sister's for the Holiday Feast. I was a bit sad because my hubby was home nursing a very bad cold (Dolly stayed home to keep him company), but it was still great to be together.

Below everyone is getting ready for the gifts and trying to ease their stuffed tummies.

The "rip 'n tear" in progress.

Sartorial splendor.

Some of my haul.

Homemade chocolate sauce.

A warm and wooly shawlette--more like a large collar. I wore it yesterday (I have the perfect top to go with it) and it was nice and snuggly.

A doll to make.--a friend for Dolly.

And some really cool fabrics.

And now it's my turn to have the bad cold (everyone seems to have it!). I'm taking my stuffed head home to steam.

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