Thursday, February 24, 2011

Crewel Friday

Busy times at work tends to lead to busy-work at home--I'm often too tired to really focus on anything else. So, over the course of this week I made a list of the books I've assembled in a pile and am reviewing in more or less depth for the crewel course. Some are on the instructor's list, some not. All but one are mine. In these days of feeling overwhelmed by stuff, I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but there it is.

I've found there are two pretty separate types of books. Those that focus on history and design and those that focus on stitches. Most books have at least a bit of both, but I believe the best in each category focus on one or the other.

A few stand out. I'd most recommend Crewel Embroidery in England by Joan Edwards and The Art of Crewel Embroidery by Mildred Davis as the place to spend your money if you're buying to read up on traditional crewel embroidery.

I love stitch books, full of diagrams and potential (I always intend to go through each new book and try each new stitch--somehow it never happens)--some newer and some older are on my list. I like them all.I've found if I don't grasp a stitch from the instructions in one book, another book is likely to present it in a way that will click.

While I was at it I found a duplicate--so it's time for a giveaway!This is a 70s book that has great stitch diagrams. The designs are thoughtful though and rooted in history they look less dated than many from this era. No orange and olive and no mushrooms. Most of the models look to be stitched with floss and not wool, it's hard to tell from the photos. That would be easy to change. The back of the book has an envelope with full-size pattern sheets for all of the designs. It's hardback, not in pristine condition but pretty good.

Usual giveaway rules apply. Please leave a comment on this post and I'll use the random number generator to pick one on March 7. Not a long time, but I want to get it into the mail before vacation in March. Make sure your comment provides some way for me to get in touch with you. I'll mail anywhere. It'll probably go book rate so patience is advised. Good luck.


  1. It's always fascinating to look at a design style through the lens of another - crewel through the seventies, for example. It gives a completely new light on the original!

  2. Wow! That's quite a reading list! I've always been interested in crewel, and although I've read a few books, I've not gone anywhere near the depth you have. I'd like extend my knowledge though. ;)

    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! I'm not sure if you're open to shipping to Canada, but if you don't mind doing so, I'd love to enter. If not, I understand.

    I agree with you - most of the designs do look quite current - from what I can see, the flower basket in the lower left-hand corner looks particularly lovely.

    Thanks, and best of luck with your reading!

  3. I would love to see what new stitches I could learn from this book.

  4. I would enjoy adding Lisbeth Perrone's book to my library. I have several of those you mentioned, but not this one. You can never have too many books.
