Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Festival of Broken Needles

Today is Harikuyo in Japan: the Festival of Broken Needles. I learned about this a couple of years ago and last year began collecting broken needles and pins in a little baggie. I don't have tofu to rest them in (traditional) but I do plan to spend a little time tonight reflecting on how much the tiny needle has affected my life and I will find a way to put my broken tools to rest. And last night I began work on a new felt pincushion from a kit my sister gave me for Christmas.I've seen this festival mentioned today on a number of blogs and websites: Temari Kai has a good explanation of the tradition. I really enjoyed Threads across the Web's post today--she's also posted on Stitchin' Fingers and has challenged everyone to join in a Virtual Broken Needle Festival. Stitchtress Stumbles is another good post, as is Sashiko Stitchers. Plays with Needles has a picture filled post.


  1. I could never have imagined a festival of broken needles, somehow it seems a very Japanese thing.

  2. I didn't have any needles to use this year - I will have to remember it for next year!
