Tuesday, February 15, 2011

More on Broken Needle Festival

I was out the evening the Feb. 8 but took time during the week to sort and organize my main pincushion. (and poke and prod out all the needles that had gotten lost inside it over the past year.) Tapestry needles are on one side, sharps on the other with pins in the middle and some very handy, big honkin' needles at one end.
Then I made up this cute little felt pincushion from a kit my sister gave me for Christmas. I filled it with squares of wool quilt batting.

I love the footprints below. Most are mine from my morning walks. Not many others were out walking--a few junior high school kids, squirrels, a dog, but moslty me and the birds. Only after taking the photo did I notice how meandering the bird's steps are compared to my "follow the path. steps.
Last week was all about hugs. I spent a couple of nights crying with and hugging a friend who received a serious cancer diagnosis. These few weeks have been tests, fears and tears. And she has some tough choices to make.

I also spent an evening doing the "jump and hug" girlie thing with a friend who has been accepted into several major law schools for next year. Now she has some tough choices to make, too. Good but not easy.

I spent most of a day at an economic conference--I'm not an economist, but I know many and most of the people at this event I've known for 20+ years. I haven't seen some of them for ten years or so. It was interesting. (and it was more shaking hands than hugs.)

It all left me more contemplative than usual. I don't often think big thoughts.


  1. I'm so pleased you found a had a little quality time with your needles in celebration of the Broken Needle Festival.

  2. Change is never easy - I know, as I'm dealing with a lot of it, both big and small, in myself, and those I care about, right now too. I'm not usually much of a big thinker either - but sometimes deep thoughts sneak up on you and whack you over the head, lol :) It's not always bad when that happens, although it's hard to take.

    I love your felt pincushions! They're super cute! And I have stitcherly envy of your regular one; I've never seen a pincushion with spools of thread around the edges - I think it's neat, and a great way to keep common colours handy! Best wishes.

  3. You are the most kind and generous person I have ever known. Talented, artistic and beautiful.
    May God bless you abundantly.

  4. Wow, thank you for your lovely comments. Things are calmer this week. Coming to grips with the changes that are coming.

  5. You've been very organised! Much more so than me...
