Thursday, March 10, 2011

Crewel Friday

I felt from the start that wallowing so happily in my books was a bit of an indulgence, and it was one I've totally enjoyed, but now I'm itchin' to be stitchin'. I've been busy this week, getting ready. I sized and refined my two pocket designs. The first sampler is to be buttonhole stitches and long and short stitch. I found a piece of twill that will hold my two designs. I need to get it ironed and transfer the designs. I'm not sure if I'll try to complete all of both designs with those two stitches or if I'll save some areas for stitches yet to come.I dug out my box of wools. This box of color sample cards from Appleton is one of my more useful extravagances. I use it all the time. I pulled out the cards with the color families for the main project design and I compared them with printouts and other things I have on colors in natural dyes and decided they were correct. My inclination is to always want to change something like the color but I couldn't find any justification for it this time (and part of the class is to justify any color changes based on research into natural dyes available in England in the 16th and 17th Centuries).Then I pulled out my stash and pulled the colors I have that are called for in the design. I have a large stash and it's going to get larger--I don't have several of the called-for color families. I do have several skeins of every color of a large family of very bright "Kelly" greens. I've decided to use them for my samplers. They are not period correct but I think they'll be pretty in the samplers. I've teamed them with a couple of bright reds and yellows and also a very pale yellow and ivory for shading.

If I have room in the suitcase, I may pack the sampler and a stitch book to take with me next week. If not, I have my paper-piecing project all packed and ready to travel.

I have a post and a giveaway scheduled for next week. I don't know yet exactly what my plans are (beyond London) or what my Internet access will be. I hope to be able to pop in with some pix.


  1. Ooh! It's exciting to see your project take shape! Your wool samples look so nice and colourful all together! I do the compare and substitute thing often with my floss, and enjoy trying out different combinations. I hope you have a wonderful time in London!

  2. Real thread samples make picking colours much easier.
    Enjoy your travels...
