Saturday, March 26, 2011

My home away from home

A bit about where I am. I'm staying with friends who have graciously put me up in their office/library. This is the view from my window.and in the other direction (it's a bay window).In the week since I took this, that faintly yellow tree has blossomed gloriously--it's golden now.This is the view I have from my bed. The tapestry is from the Wissa Wassef Art Center. I really am enjoying it.And this is the view of the porch, overlooking the gardens.Today I did something I've long wanted to do--I got a henna tattoo in the Stables Market in Camden. (Warning: this site has loud sound.)


  1. Ah glad you're having a nice time. It's funny seeing that view on the internet!

  2. Hello, I lived at 35 Canfield gardens for 40 years. I love those walls! I have been doing a painting project lately and have been painting the walls at no. 35 - all the walls down that street are really interesting. I miss the communal garden!
