Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Quiet Weekend

Last week I had a lovely evening, stitching at the Y and then dinner with World Embroideries. She presented me with this lovely souvenir of her recent trip. I've worn it several times already. I hung it in the window to try and catch the lovely translucence of the stones.This was a quiet weekend. We did get out once, to a joint quilt and car show. I think they're brilliant for combining the two--hubby was really pleased to find an outing we would both equally enjoy!

The show was at the The Indiana Welcome Center on Kennedy (just at 80-94) has a show of antique cars (from the Winamac Old Car Club) and quilts (from Heritage Quilters). The show is free and runs until March 23.

I couldn't find a flier or link for the show--hubby spotted a post card at an antique shop. I did find a newspaper article about it, in the Times.

This isn't a huge show but a nice size. The dozen or so cars are interesting and have nice signs explaining what they are (so I could enjoy them, too). The twenty or so quilts are hung on the walls and it was interesting to be able to look at them from a distance (without the usual small spaces and crowds of people at quilt shows). I found they look quite different from a distance than up close. Again, they're well labeled. Great to swing by while out running errands.It's beginning to warm up. On my walks this weekend, if I looked closely, I could see signs of life. I can hear them the minute I step out the door--the birds are back, twittering away.This looks like foam here. I called it polka-dot snow. It's actually pock-marked snow from melting ice dripping from tree branches and wires above. This dotting effect was there Sunday morning only in spots where there was something overhead. It was gone by the end of the day--rain storms washed it away.I found this rumpled looking passion fruit hanging on in the garden. The sun is still quite low in the sky and casts interesting shadows.

1 comment:

  1. The combination quilt and car show sounds like a wonderful event for both you and DH. I love your photos. Maybe there is hope that spring is coming. :)
