Friday, March 18, 2011


My vacation began in the usual way for us--running to the grocery store, the gas station, cleaning, packing, etc. But we did get out last Sunday to see Ellen Anne Eddy's show at the Chesterton Art Center. It's there through the 31st and is well worth a visit. (11-4 weekdays, 1-4 weekends) While there I splurged and got this lovely piece of hand-dyed fabric.I spent Monday unpacking and repacking my suitcase. But in the end I got off. I whisked through security just fine. My flight wasn't cancelled. It was on time. I had a lovely seat mate (a teacher). And they didn't lose my luggage. (all the above are issues I've had before that have put me off flying.) I arrived tired but was very happy to meet my friends at the door and head into London.This is the view out of the window of the room I'm sleeping in. Look how green the bushes are (much greener than Chicago).
Another view. It's a busy street but the room is quiet.These streets are all called "gardens" because the buildings back onto large shared garden areas. We toured Canfield Gardens the day I arrived (to help me stay awake and to pick some carrots). It was full of daffodils and flowering trees. Most of my flower pictures didn't come out--the flowers were too white to show.This is a view of my friend's porch from her dining room window, overlooking the garden area. Just look at those flowers! I'm reveling in the color.


  1. Love the fabric! Glad to hear you made it to London okay :) The flowers are beautiful.

  2. Packing for a journey can be a bit of a trial, but journey's end seemed worth the wait!
