Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Cooties

I'm down and out for the count with a virus that I've had for a week now. It keeps changing on me, first I slept. Then I sneezed. Now I cough. Yesterday added a bacterial infection to the mix. I spent the morning doctoring. I'm not stitching. I'm occasionally reading (rereading old Robert Heinlein science fiction from the 40s through the 80s). And I don't have anything fun to say or show for now. I hope to be back next week.


  1. So sorry you are not feeling well! I was looking forward to seeing you tonight... but take care of yourself.

  2. sorry to read this .... feel better soon!!!

  3. You take care of yourself and get lots of rest. We want you feeling better real soon. :)

  4. Sorry about your bug. Hope you are better soon. Guess that bug really caught up with you! Take care.

  5. Poor thing.......I just got over the same thing...hope your better soon.....

  6. Well if any writer can distract you from a spring bug, Heinlein can. Get better soon!

  7. I hope you are back soon too, and feeling more like your usual self.
