Thursday, May 26, 2011

Crewel Thursday

Sorry for the quite posting week. I've been focusing on work so long days and little stitching. A funeral last week and a wake this (family of friends, both). Fiscal year end and graduation are looming. It's not all work--yesterday World Embroideries came down to campus with me. She posted some lovely photos here. I didn't get to play, but we did go out for a nice lunch. My crewel strip sampler is done. I need to block it. I like the way the flower came out.This is the pocket sampler. I made some progress and I can see both improvement and room for more improvement. The foremost mound will be long and short stitches as will the circle on the left--both green. The curved stem will be dark red like the other and the little dot at the end will be bright red. And I'll be done.

I've also been working at gathering the other materials I will need to send with the samplers to the course instructor and I hope to do that very soon.


  1. It looks great! The sampler is lovely.

  2. I really like the lovely shading effect on the leaf and the almost art deco look of the grassy mounds.
