Friday, May 6, 2011

I'm back!

More or less. I feel like doing more than the bare minimum. I'm feeling restless and noticing the house is dirty. And I've been doing some stitching. (Nothing to show yet.)This card is from Lelia. The cute tatted butterfly has been brightening my days for a couple of weeks now and I was finally able to get it scanned. Thanks for the great card, Lelia!

Yesterday I had a much needed Girlz Day with my sister. We had tapas at the RX Cafe and visited a cool quilt shop in Huntley, IL, called Quilt in Joy. I found a new tool--and you know I'm a sucker for cool tools! It's a Double Diamond Ruler and I got it to make bookmarks for Hammond Reads (I'm way behind with that project, so I really needed it.)I also "needed" some fabric and some fabric glue for the project. My final "necessity" was a spray that's supposed to remove those seemingly permanent creases in fabrics. We'll see.Next week I'll post a tutorial on how to make these cute little dragonflies. They're from a project I did last summer to teach last month at Homewood Guild. I was sick but I did send the kits and I'll be on hand at our meeting Monday to help anyone that needs it. And after that I feel free to share the fun with everyone.


  1. Glad to see you back online, Marjorie. That card is really lovely! I can see why it cheered you up to have it.

  2. Oh my, thought that looked familiar! Glad you like the card w/butterfly.

    I thought I had made a smaller round motif for you - but, my mind is lost. I haven't had my tatting out in a few days.

    glad to read you are feeling better ; )
