Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Verdant Nature

Like much of the world this spring, our weather has been extreme. We've been very lucky that most of the bad storms so far have gone around our little neighborhood but it's been scary!I've been struggling to get back to my morning walks ever since my hip bone cracked in October. Not pain, I'm fine. Just the weather. And me being a weather wimp... And, well, lazy. The sidewalks were icy for seemingly forever this winter. This spring it's often been rainy in the early mornings. Now it's hot--and very humid. Even quite early. When I left for work on Tuesday it was already 81F (and I skipped the walking--it's no fun going to work all sweaty and hot)! That said, when I feel I can, I do go for a morning walk.And on occasion I bring the camera. I took these flower photos on the morning of June 4 in our yard. It was already quite hot and the flowers are fading quickly in the heat. But they're lovely while blooming. Our neighbor's yards are also boasting some lovely displays.Doesn't this look just scrumptious? (it was) Later that day we drove up to my sister's for a family gathering. We indulged in some nostalgia, looking at old Super8 movies our dad took in the 70s. Oh, my! The benefit was we could do it sitting in their cool, dim basement. Our sister-in-law brought a lovely bag of asparagus, some of which is pictured above. I made a sauce for pasta with some fresh chicken breast, onions, a bit of fresh garlic, homemade chicken stock reduced for the sauce, and a ton of asparagus. We feasted! I topped mine with Parmesan and black pepper. Yum! Thanks, Nancy! It was wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic colours - I love the fact the irises, paeonies and roses all harmonise so well! Hope the weather is kinder to you.
