Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Odds 'n ends

Here are the results from my attempt at avocado dyeing.
I wrapped the fabric around quartered pieces of the seed, tossed in some dry peel, crammed it into canning jars and filled them with boiling water. They sat out, oh, four days or so.  The bottom two pieces are new silk dupioni.  The bottom one is a pale peach, nicer than the photo, the top one didn't take on much color at all. The top piece is a piece of antique silk crepe that is pretty shattered.  It took the most color but only in a few places. It's so fragile I'm not sure what I can do with it.

I have rinsed these but not washed them; ironed them damp with a hot iron. I should probably wash them but I'll wait a while.  Perhaps time will help set the color.

I believe the purple color came from fresh pits. Most of the pits I had were dried. So, to try number two, to redo the two new silks, I'm chopping the pits into quarters and freezing them.  Perhaps that will help keep the color.  Good thing we eat a lot of avocados!

Not much else going on that I can show. I'm working on models and ideas for Homewood Guild projects for next year. I made up some more felt nautical flags for Camp Quality models and passed them on to the crafts director. I finished the knit entrelac diamond bag to be felted--I'm about halfway done with the second handle and then I can felt it all.  It still looks like a formless lump.  I'm working on my summer challenge project for Homewood, which I can't show until September. I crocheted a few more rows on my Legal Loopers charity rectangle. So I'm busy but nothing to show for it (yet).

1 comment:

  1. The purple is certainly unusual and very pretty. I've only ever had strong deep coppery pinks with avocado but I use it fresh and boil the stones and skin first before I add the fabric.
