Thursday, July 7, 2011

UFOs and FOs!

Over the three-day holiday weekend I worked each morning on my Japanese embroidery. I'm at the point where I want to get this one done and move on!  I completed the hemp-leaf pattern in gold on the brown paper holding the flowers. I had done it once early on and didn't like it at all. I'm much happier with it now. I also completed the leaves for the pinks, the white mum and a bit of iris leaf.
I completed rectangle two for the Legal Loopers and began #3. This one is my version of Tunisian crochet. I say my version becasuse I've read the directions over the years but never tried it and now I'm trying it from memory, with no directions handy.  I like the way it looks, I'm just not sure whether I'm doing it "right."  It's taking longer than #2 but I like it a lot better.  These colors are a little bright for me.
Square #2, below is one row double crochet and one row single alternated.
And I completed the lacy cotton hat.  It turned out bigger than I expected--I checked gauge but in stockinette stitch and not the lace pattern and I think that may have been my mistake there. 
It was fun to do and a great pattern.  (Lotus Hat free pattern by Third Base Line)
I also worked a lot on the diamond entrelac tote. It still looks like the same blob of wool as my last photo so I didn't photograph it this time. But I'm working on the bottom decreases now and also on the i-cord handles.


  1. Your Bouquet is looking lovely. It is always worth redoing something that you are not happy with. When the piece is finished, it is always the bit that you don't like that you notice most! Now you will be able to just admire your beautiful stitching!

  2. The Bouquet is gorgeous. I would say that although I agree with Carol-Anne that it is always worth redoing something you're unhappy with, it's best not to do so until you know why!
