Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Camp Quality

Camp Quality was Friday. The weather was beautiful. The kids were great! 
This is pretty much what it feels like--a blur as campers wait for instruction and we try and sort things out and get class going.
We had a great group of students stop by.
A proud camper with his finished letter.
After camp a couple of friends and I went to Yarns to Dye For & More in Frankfort. I got this very interesting ribbony mesh "yarn" to make a flouncy scarf. I had several rows knit but decided it would take too much of the fancy yarn so I ripped it out and began alternating it with plain yarn. The more spaced-out flounces show up better.  After stocking up on yarn, we had lunch at the Pickwick Society Tearoom a couple of blocks away. Lunch was very good.  On the way back to the car we poked into a few of the shops that line Frankfort's streets. 

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