Thursday, August 25, 2011

Not much to show this week

I'm working diligently on a number of projects I can't show yet...mostly the summer challenge for Homewood Guild. Our project this year was to use a playing card as inspiration for a needlework piece. I drew the 10 of clubs and wasn't very inspired. Now I have an idea and hope I can get it done. I also have other things I'm doing to get ready for Homewood's September meeting and some gifts for the holidays underway.
Last weekend I did work in the mornings on my Japanese embroidery piece. It's getting there...but I see something I will be ripping next time I take it out.
I stitched the last of the "pinks," the partial pink toward the bottom, and that one petal just sticks out like a sore thumb. I kind of saw it at the end of the day and wondered, but it took seeing it in the photograph to know. I also completed a lot more stems and the padding for the blue and white cording.  Boy, that petal really bugs me!

I find that with almost any project I'm working on (paper, paint or cloth) a photograph, in particular a black and white photograph, will really show me how a design is working.  It's a great reality check. 

I have a little cluster of clover leaves and stems toward the middle to complete, the blue and white cording, the "trim" on and around the brown "paper" holding the flowers and the final cording that goes over the top of the paper. I'm most worried about keeping a nice curve on that last bit of superimposed cording.


  1. This Japanese needlework is breathtaking. It is beautiful and your work is exquisite. You do everything with finesse! I truly admire all of your work.

  2. you have done sush a good job with the cord so far, I've no doubt you will manage the rest.

    I did not notice the pink until you mentioned it.

    You are stitching this beautifully, you must be really pleased with it.
