Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's Done!

I took advantage of the long weekend and our first-Thursday stitching session last week to complete my bouquet. At long last (I'm pretty sure I started it in 2004).  The offending petal is redone. (Upon checking the picture and the tracing, it did stick out that much but I still disliked it so I made it stick out a bit but it's much shorter and I like it a lot better now.)  I'm not thrilled with the cords that go across the brown paper but I decided that the second one I did is much nicer than the first, which shows I've learned something and left it as is. Our class begins Sept. 30, at which time I'll do the pasting and steaming of this piece and then begin Phase II.


  1. Woohoo! Well done for finishing but even more well done on your beautiful stitching. You have done a really fine job. Have I asked what you are doing for Phase II?

  2. Congratulations, it is gorgeous! Can't wait to see it!

  3. WOOT! congrats - it is beautiful

  4. FABULOUS! It looks amazing. Congratulations on the completion of your journey. Or perhaps its just the beginning?

  5. This is breathtaking! It's absolutely exquisite. I can't wait to see it in person. You are one talented lady!!

  6. Well done - it looks fabulous!

  7. Congratulations! It is a beautiful piece!
