Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fun Weekend!

After a long week of storms--cold, torrential rains, very windy with huge gusts--Saturday dawned calm, sunny and warm.  I had a long awaited lunch with friends planned.
Here we are, dining in Spain! Well, we felt like we were visiting there. We met at Don Quixote Restaurante in Valparaiso for a long, leisurely lunch of soup, tapas and dessert! We had great fun. The food was great and we felt warmly welcomed.

While I was in Valparaiso, I stopped in at Imagine Beads (just around the corner from the restaurant). That stop did not help my budget but I had a great time browsing all of the wonderful beads on display. I brought home beads for a few holiday gifts--the new owner is very inspiring and enthusiastic.  (no pictures because, well, presents)
When I came home I noticed this beauty in the pot on by our front porch. I'm amazed it survived all of the storms and cold. It was really nice to see it glowing there.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marjorie, efectively it looks that you spent a wonderful time with your friends :-)
    Have a lovely day,
