Monday, October 10, 2011

Last look at Phase I

This is the back of my Bouquet once all was fixed, pasted, steamed and done.
I cut a piece of foamcore to size and covered it with thin white cotton batting (with scrim). I taped the batting in place and then sewed mitered corners, trimming any overlap. I centered my piece on the front of the prepared foamcore and put a few pins into the edges to hold it in place.
I forgot to take a photo while lacing the first side.  You lace closely, beginning in the middle and moving out to each side.  I laced the selvage edges first then the edges that had fabric extensions stitched on to fit the embroidery frame. I left some of the fabric on the piece, here, to help fill the gap between the edges. 

The last two sides are being laced above. Note the hemostats and spool. I reeled off a huge long thread (maybe 5 yards) the clamped it, leaving it on the spool uncut. The cut end went into my needle. Then I began lacing in the center-the hemostats holding the thread in place.  Then if I run out, I can just unspool more and pull it through to the edge. No knots.  When I get to the edge, I park the thread and then go back to the center, and reel off a little more than what I think I used for the first half.
All laced up tight for framing.
When I cut out my foamcore, I cut it from the center of a larger piece. (you can see my cutting skills need work.)  Now when I go to mat and frame the piece, I have leeway in the size mat or frame I choose.  I cal always cut the outer square smaller. Once framed the piece is flat and supported in the frame. I use this type of double-square framing for all of my needlework. It's great for canvas--really supports it--and if you neglect to add enough extra at the edge for the frame, this solves that problem.


  1. Great foamcore idea, thanks I'm going to make a note of this. Beautiful work, I envy you your patience to stitch Japanese embroidery.

  2. Where are you going to keep this beautiful bit of work?

  3. Yes, lacing a piece properly makes a huge difference to its presentation, and after all that effort, you want it to look its best!
