Thursday, November 10, 2011

No crewel this week, but a couple of knit finishes

I made this leaf shawlette for a gift.
As much as I could get into the photo with it flat.
A preemie cap for charity.
I'm still making ornaments. Front and back.


  1. The scarflette is very nice, but I especially like the snowflake ornaments.

    Yesterday, I visited the magazine rack at Barnes and Noble and found Knitting Traditions, an Interweave publication. I think you would enjoy some of the patterns, but just as interesting is the background on the many ethnic designs that are covered. Most are probably over my head, but they might suit your quest for a challenge.

  2. Oh ...I love the shawl!!! It is a wonderful pattern! I do all hand work but I am really just learning to be a knitter....I really love it and thanks to the internet I can look up stitches and get a video instruction but I am still a real novice....I really want to learn to do mittens...on several needles.....not there yet! I love the ornaments too..I am really having fun with felt this is a pleasure to work with!! where would we be without our hand work! Happy Day!!
