Tuesday, November 29, 2011


If you're in the U.S., I hope your Thanksgiving weekend was as nice as ours. (and if you're not, I hope you had a wonderful weekend, too.)  Four days in a row off work are always welcome.  Above is my sister's seasonal pumpkin display. Pretty cool, huh?
 (left to right, brother, brother-in-law and husband)
I didn't get any before shots of the feast. This is an aftermath shot, after dinner and after chocolate.  The brother makes the chocolate (and the bread, garden vegetables, and the mac-n-cheese) part of the feast.  (Sister hosted and made the turkey, gravy, potatoes and I contributed a green salad and mom's cranberry-orange relish.) This year it was chocolate pudding pie, chocolate coated peanut butter fudge and "turtles." (carmel with pecans enrobed in dark chocolate)
(In England they have pudding after a meal; we have chocolate.)
A close-up of chocolaty goodness.
In our family chocolate is a food group.
Brother and sister-in-law showing off their new hats.  The red one is a masterpiece of cables and seaming (doesn't show off well here) that she's designed to teach an assortment of techniques at a local shop. The green hat was felted (both needle and wet) in a class at Esther's Place.  More felted hats are in the plan.
Here's a front view of the hats
(note the cool knit sweaters she's wearing--I love the buttons on the cardigan)

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a great party, and since several of you contributed to the food, I guess no-one was overloaded!
