Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Holiday Party!!

Tuesday night was my EGA chapter's holiday party. It was loads of fun, as it always is, thanks to the great committee that organizes it each year.  Yummy food (I ate way too much) and good friends (never to much of that!).
I thought about bringing my camera but realized I'd never seen anyone there taking pictures in the past, so I decided not to take any of the festive scene and pretty clothing everyone wore. Here are some after the event photos. We were greeted by the prettily decorated tables and these cute table favors.
I participated in the ornament exchange--Isn't this stocking lovely?  It was stitched by Carol J.  I am very happy with my pick.
This ornament was lovingly hand stitched by Betti for me.
Renee made this beautiful pin cushion, nestled in an antique canning jar lid.
She also gave me this cool bread pan. Last night it was full with a loaf of wonderful smelling pumpkin bread. I took the bread out to wrap and washed the container and brought it in to work to hold holiday candy on my desk for coworkers.
Isn't this Brazilian gorgeous?  Jamee, a grade- and high-school friend, made it for me. Her work is exquisite.
I think this is my hands-down favorite gift, from World Embroideries. I'm wearing them right now. Fingerless mitts for when the office (or home) is chilly. Right now they're with me at work.  The color is gorgeous (not quite as brightly purple in the office light).  And I adore all of the wonderful antique buttons.

Wrapping paper was flying as friends and secret stitchers exchanged gifts. It was delightful to see all of the wonderful hand stitched and carefully selected gifts. 

This party is generally my first holiday event and truly gets me into the spirit. I feel very blessed to have such wonderful, caring and very creative friends. 
Now I need to get some of my gifts into the mail (always a sticking point for me!).

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