Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Emeries--and a giveaway

This year I made decorated Strawberry emeries for my stitching friends. I had fun customizing each person's design.
Here are some of them.
All of the images are available on my Flickr page here.
I don't know why this last photo is blurry--I took them all at the same time. I made this one for you. It's a giveaway, the first of several I have planned.
This is a simple give away. Please leave a comment on this post, include your name and either an e-mail address or another way to get in touch with you. Anyone, anywhere may comment.  The comments will close at noon central time on Monday, January 9. I'll draw a name that afternoon.


  1. This is something I don't have but would love! Thanks for the giveaway!

    Linda (1961girl@gmail.com)

  2. I have a tomato but this would make a colorful addition to my sewing room.

  3. Never had an emery, but these are all exquisite! How cool that you made them all individualized for your friends.
    ~ Lorraine Thomas

  4. I would love to add this strawberry emery to my stitch tools colection. Also, could you maybe do a how to for those who might want to make for their friends?

  5. Oh, these are gorgeous! I'd love to be included in your giveaway! Thanks.

  6. Great post..This strawberries are just too good..Specially the first and third one..It seems that it is not that much difficult to make it..
