Friday, January 20, 2012

Way too many books

On Christmas Eve we had the great book landslide. We ran out of bookshelves, oh, about 20 years ago and being the readers we are, just began stacking them. I have three stacks next to my chair that act as a side table but..boom, crash, they all tumbled dramatically as I was wrapping presents.  Later that day a stack of antique magazines took a similar slide and that was the straw.
The cosmos is telling me that there is just too much stuff.
So for the last few weeks, I've been spending Saturdays clearing out. I've gone through my dresser, jewelry, a bookshelf in our bedroom and our main bookshelf in the living room. Last Saturday I moved books around until I had a clear space in which to pile up books and magazines that need to go.  (I also set aside two huge bags of needlework books for a niece--she and her husband will soon rival us in the book department--makes me proud!)

Anyway. I've listed the books. Old and new (1908, I think, to 2006) and magazines and booklets (again early twentieth-century to the present day), rare and not so rare, mostly needlework and set some requested prices--they're negotiable. Price, plus exact shipping costs to wherever you are. (If you're in the Chicago area, let me know and perhaps we can work out a visit to the piles.)

The thing is, I can't list or show them all here for sale (it's a free blog, not a commercial one).  Right now all I have is a pretty bare bones typed list--author, title, publisher, date and price (based on online research). If you are interested, let me know by e-mail and I'll send you the list. Most of the books are available somewhere online so they're easy to research.

That stack shown above is about a quarter of what I eventually want to sell. I just don't have room to pull them all out and have them available at one time. I have a pile about a yard high of old needlwork magazines, Modern Priscilla mostly, from the early twentieth century, mostly 1910 to 1930. So the sooner this batch sells, the sooner a new list will be available.


  1. Oh, wow, I'm happy to see I'm not the only one with this kind of problems! :-)
    I'm so happy that some magazines are starting to make digital editions and won't take space in my shelves anymore... I'm trying to stop buyin books because I don't know where to store them anymore! (But I know it's a lost cause, it's impossible to stop buying books...)

  2. send me the list! And, maybe bring the list to NANI in February?

    I'm guessing too much to haul in that night?

  3. I know that piles of books feeling! Well done on sorting them out! You could make some useful money on the rare and valuable ones.
