Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Winner and new giveaway

Random.org picked 3 today, so the winner of last week's draw for the Alice in Wonderland pattern set is Jane. 
The giveaway for this week is a hand-embroidered pear.  I have a number of projects that I've stitched that never found happy homes, so I decided to make them giveaways here.  The pattern I used was Summer Pears from Crab Apple Hill Studio.  The pear is probably about 7" tall (I didn't think to measure it) and has a wooden stem and ribbon leaf.

To enter the giveaway, please leave a comment on this post.  The drawing will be next Tuesday, January 24, at noon.  Anyone, anywhere may enter. Please make sure I can easily contact you from your comment.  Thanks! 


  1. Your delicate little flowers on the speckled fabric are precious! I'd love to win this sweet pear. ~ Lorraine

  2. This is a charming pincushion. I'd love to have something of yours.

  3. Love it and love to participate!!

  4. Very pretty. And what a good idea to pass on things. I'll have to give it a try sometime in the future.

    Heather M.
    I can be reached through my website. I'm still waiting for my isp to provide me with an email address.

  5. Lovely pincushion, I'd love a chance to enter!!
    Thank you :)
