Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Slow Progress

but, still, progress.  I had a cold all last week and didn't stitch hardly at all. (I worked and came home and went to bed--I didn't want to take off sick because this week I'm going to the Original Sewing and Quilt Expo. Having the right priorities is important!)
This weekend I worked on the broiderie perse piece. I completed restitching in the area at the top and began edging the upper edge applique with a metallic thread (Kreinik #8 braid in a color I've always called Vatican--kind of a gold-silver mix).  I think it cleans up the edges nicely and delineates the embroidery from the background. Hubby thinks the edging should be wider so later on I may try adding a second thread around, but for now I'm going to leave it. (Photos always tell me a lot about how something "reads" and I rather like the way this looks--what do you think?) The vertical line is the Vatican thread where I left off--the spool's dangling on the back.

Now I'm working on repairing the bottom half of the photo--I got a lot done last night filling in missing leaf veins and areas of missing thread.  The thread leading off to the right is the stem I was working on when bedtime came last night.
Today is the first day of Spring. It definitely feels more like Summer today!  These are our neighbors' flowers.  A couple of years ago they created an area in their front lawn with some bushes, flowers and a small tree. It's quite pretty. 

Lots more are blooming, everywhere.  I voted today, though, instead of taking my morning walk and pictures.

Thanks to a lovely prize from the EGA, I just "attended" a very interesting webinar on using Photoshop elements to improve photographs of needlework. I'll be writing about it soon. It was organized by Funk&Weber designs (you might remember them from the EGA bookmarks for literacy project) and taught by Melissa of DigitalScrapbookingHQ.


  1. I like the narrow edge. Any more and I think it would seem to detract from rather than emphasize the flowers being outlined.

    Your neighbor's flowers are beautiful. Love the daffodils.

  2. Interesting to see this on theanifactirers wensite!

    I hope this and my other comment get through. It's flaky doing this on my phone!
