Thursday, April 12, 2012

FO, WIP and Crewel Friday

I like the second Dalek better than the first. This one is crochet.
They just make me laugh. Eggsterminate!   BTW, he's left handed. My hands don't like crochet at all--I need to take it slow. Luckily, they're small.  Another red one is next.
This isn't really embroidery or anything, but I hemmed the piece of silk I got a a recent sewing expo. It's reversible so I just did a little hem on three sides.  I haven't worn it...the fabric was washed in something scented so I need to rewash it a few times to get the smell out before I can wear it.
I realized the leaf I made at the sewing expo had similar colors to a quilt square I'd been playing with (random stitching with used fabrics).  I'll have to be careful going forward--that green is very bright. I may need to recolor those bands, make them a bit bluer I think, but maybe I can balance it elsewhere. I'm going to make another few squares before thinking more about putting them together.
I finally (FINALLY!) finished the endless mounds.  I'm back working on the stem. One color family is used for both and I want to get a lot of it done. It looks dull brown under incandescent light.  If I leave it for later, I may have a UFO on my hands. The stem is coming along nicely now. Soon I'll be back to the fun stuff.

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